Michael Dufresne

Kiriyama Postdoctoral Fellow

Curriculum vitae

+1 (904) 400-1881

Center for Asia Pacific Studies

University of San Francisco

Michael Dufresne

Kiriyama Postdoctoral Fellow


Michael Dufresne

Kiriyama Postdoctoral Fellow

Curriculum vitae

+1 (904) 400-1881

Center for Asia Pacific Studies

University of San Francisco


I am a Kiriyama Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of San Francisco, serving as Academic Coordinator for the Asia Bridge Graduate Fellowship Program. My research centers on Chinese philosophy and covers everything from the classical to the modern periods. Besides Confucianism, Daoism, Mohism, Legalism and other pre-Qin (before 221 BCE) schools of thought, I am well-versed in Neo-Confucianism and Chan Buddhism, especially as they concern traditional Chinese literary and poetic criticism. My current research concerns the philosophical aesthetics of the late Qing/early Republican scholar Wang Guowei 王國維 (1877–1927) .

As a comparative philosopher, I also have extensive training in Western and contemporary philosophy, with a particular strong background in aesthetics. I am particularly well-acquainted with the aesthetic writings of Nietzsche and Dewey, and have also done a great deal of work on Aristotle, Kant, Schiller and Schopenhauer.

One topic I am especially drawn to is aesthetic education (měiyù 美育), which appears in the earliest works of philosophy, from the Analects of Confucius (Lúnyǔ 論語) to Plato's Republic, and plays a significant role in modern works, such as Schiller’s Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man. As for the present-day applications of this concept, I am exploring decolonial perspectives on aesthetic education, such as can be drawn from Aimé Césaire's "poetic knowledge" and Walter Mignolo's "decolonial aestheSis." 
 Areas of Specialization
  • Chinese Philosophy
  • Comparative Philosophy
  • Aesthetics
  • Decolonial Philosophy
 Areas of Competence
  • Philosophy of Education 
  • Feminist Philosophy
  • Continental Philosophy
  • Alternative Epistemologies
  • Classical Chinese (proficient)
  • Mandarin Chinese (intermediate)

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